DHS has provided Inclusa with the following guidance around internet and communication resources available during the COVID19 Public Health Emergency.  This includes information on obtaining and replacing phones for members and cellphone minutes.

If you require assistance to follow up with any of these directions, please contact your Inclusa Community Resource Coordinator or Health and Wellness Coordinator – they will be glad to help! If you don’t have their phone number, please call Inclusa’s toll free number at 1-877-622-6700 or TTY 711 for assistance.  You can also contact us on via our website here: https://www.inclusa.org/about/contact-us/

Question: Are resources available to help get telephone service?

Answer: The Lifeline program offers discounts on phone service, including no-cost cell phone plans. The Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) administers the program in Wisconsin. Information about Lifeline is available at: https://psc.wi.gov/Pages/Programs/LifeLineLinkup.aspx.

​​​​​​​Residents are directed to contact a telephone service provider to apply. The list of providers that offer lifeline service can be found at https://psc.wi.gov/Documents/USF/lifelineContacts.pdf.

Question: I had a Lifeline phone at one time, but it has been lost/stolen/damaged. How do I report this and get a new phone?

​​​​​​​Answer: The federal rules require the providers of the “free phone” (prepaid, wireless Lifeline) to de-enroll a customer if they have not used their phone for 30 days or more. Contact the Commission’s Consumer Affairs line. They can check on enrollment and contact the carrier on your behalf.

  • The Commission Consumer Affairs phone number is (800) 225-7729 or (608) 266-2001. The line is open Monday through Friday, from 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
  • The Consumer Affairs team will call an interpreter if a customer needs assistance in a different language.

Question: How many free minutes a month should Lifeline customers receive?

​​​​​​​Answer: As of December 2019, Lifeline phone carriers were required to provide a minimum of 1000 free minutes per month to Lifeline customers.

If the you do not receive 1000 minutes, let your CRC or HWC know right away and they will assist you.