Commonunity® is the belief in the strengths of everyone and the commitment to support the common good for all. Commonunity® is a way of living which brings together the basics—connection to community, opportunity to work, a place to call “home,” ability to get where I need to go—to create the life of my choosing.
This 2019 Residential Outcome was chosen to honor one of the key tenants of Commonunity®, that of Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE). Work holds special meaning for all of us. It may be what motivates us or gives our life purpose, allows us to connect with others that share a similar passion, contribute by offering our strengths and skills, or more simply, offer us the financial means to live the life we wish to have. Inclusa has made a commitment to support working age members from the ages of 18-45 to consider all that employment has to offer to them. Join us in supporting members to explore their gifts, capacities, and interests and begin to consider the value of offering their contributions within the workforce.
As part of this outcome, you will work closely with members to complete various activities aimed at exploring their interests and goals and share this information with the IDT. Please note, some members may choose not to participate. You will be connecting with the IDT as part of this outcome and they will advise you if they have had a conversation with a member you are currently supporting, and they may indicate that member is not wishing to pursue an employment path at this time.
- Have at least one member residing in your facility of the ages between 18 and 45 who currently has rates calculated through Inclusa’s Residential Rate Methodology
- Some exceptions may be made for this project for providers who support Supportive Homecare Days and Supportive Apartments, please contact to learn more
- Contact the IDT for the member you will be working with to share your intent to participate and confirm the member’s interest in exploring employment
- Some members may choose not to participate, which is why contact must be made with IDT to confirm participation
- Submit application to participate and agree to terms and conditions of outcome
- Complete the following by December 1, 2019
- View the CIE Training Video located below in Outcome Related Materials
- Review Interest Inventory options with member and determine together which one (1) to complete
- Review the career planning guides with the member and determine together which one (1) to complete
- Submit results of Interest inventory and career planning guide to IDT via secure email or fax
- Submit project evaluation after all other items have been completed
- 2019 Commonunity® Outcome Application
- No Application Deadline
- Project Deadline December 1, 2019
- Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Training Video
- 2019 Commonunity® Outcome Evaluation
- Project Deadline December 1, 2019
- Your Free Career Test
- This free career test for adults and students will help you discover your career interests and your ideal career work environment. Whether you are an adult, middle, high school, or college student, the free career tests on this website provide specific interest scores for each career category. All of the tests on YourFreeCareerTest are free and no personal information is required as they are also student-friendly.
Step 1: Take the free career test on this page (it’s only 2-3 minutes) and review your results and save them.
Step 2: Take our other free career tests to narrow down your interests.
Step 3: Research careers and educational programs that interest you!
- This free career test for adults and students will help you discover your career interests and your ideal career work environment. Whether you are an adult, middle, high school, or college student, the free career tests on this website provide specific interest scores for each career category. All of the tests on YourFreeCareerTest are free and no personal information is required as they are also student-friendly.
- WI Technical Colleges Career Interest Questionnaire
- It’s all about you! Complete this 10-minute questionnaire about your interests to help identify which clusters (and career programs) might be the best fit for you. Based on activities you enjoy, your personal qualities and school subjects you like, the questionnaire ranks the career clusters you may find most fulfilling.
- It’s really simple! Check the items that best describe you in each of the 3 screens. You can check as many or as few items as you like. At the end of the questionnaire, you will receive a list ranking all the career clusters with scores based on your answers. The higher the score, the more likely you are to enjoy a career in that cluster.
- Ready, Set, Explore! Know Your Skills, Discovery Jobs, Keep Learning, Reach Your Goals
- Allows you to print a copy after completion.
- Find Your Strengths Assessment
- “This site, Multiple Intelligences for Adult Literacy and Education, applies Dr. Gardner’s theory to adult education.” Use the 56-question assessment form to help determine which of the eight different intelligences are your strongest; Language/Linguistic, Spatial, Logic/Math, Body Movement/Kinesthetic, Musical, Social/Interpersonal, Self/Intrapersonal, Nature/Naturalistic.
- Career Planning Workbook
- A fillable pdf created by Lisa Mills, PhD
- My Employment Planning Workbook
- A fillable PDF created by Nancy Farnon-Molfenter and Shannon Munn-Huff