Wisconsin Department of Health Services
2021 State Directed Rate Increase for Home and Community-Based Service Providers
Home and Community-Based Services Provider,
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services will provide funding to the MCOs for the 2021 State Directed Rate Increase for home and community-based services, which the MCO will distribute to home and community-based services providers.
Home and community-based services provider means a provider of adult day care services, daily living skills training, habilitation services, residential care (adult family homes of 1-2 beds, adult family homes of 3-4 beds, community-based residential facilities, residential care apartment complexes), individual and group supported employment, prevocational employment, vocational futures planning, respite care services provided outside of a nursing home, and supportive home care. Providers of self-directed services are not eligible for this increase for self-directed services. Nursing homes and personal care agencies are not home and community-based services providers.
MCOs are required to provide a unit rate increase to all eligible providers equal to 4.24% of each eligible provider’s rates for Family Care and Family Care Partnership covered services in effect on June 1, 2021. The 4.24% unit rate increase on covered services equates to a unit rate increase of 3.51% when calculated on covered and non-covered services for residential providers. This unit rate increase will be labeled “2021 State Directed Rate Increase” in provider contracts as a separate line item from other components of the contracted rate with the provider. MCOs may negotiate other components of the MCO’s reimbursement rates to providers.
MCOs will be communicating the details of this increase and the associated contract amendment. Timely responses to these updates and submission of requested claims resubmissions dating back to the retroactive start of this increase, June 1st, 2021 will help ensure timely payment of this increase to providers.
Please contact DHSLTCFiscalOversight@dhs.wisconsin.gov if you have any general questions about the 2021 State Directed Rate Increase.