Provider Announcements

New Minimum Fee Schedule for Home and Community-Based Services

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has created a minimum fee schedule (MFS) for home and community-based services (HCBS) in Wisconsin. The minimum fee schedule is a list of the minimum rates managed care organizations (MCO) can pay providers of certain adult long-term care services. This applies to:

  • Supportive home care services
    • Agency
    • Member self-directed
  • Residential facilities
    • 1-2 bed adult family homes (AFHs)—owner occupied and corporate owned
    • 3-4 bed AFHs
    • Residential care apartment complexes (RCACs)
    • Community based residential facilities (CBRFs)

The minimum rates are effective October 1, 2024. DHS has provided that managed care organizations (MCOs) are to pay all claims in accordance with the new rates for dates of service October 1 through November 30 that MCOs receive by November 30, by December 31, 2024. Thereafter claims will be paid in accordance with the new rates following normal timely filing requirements. iCare will make every effort to process claims atfam the new rate timely to avoid reprocessing of claims. Inclusa will be providing new authorizations that reflect a rate at or above the Minimum Fee Schedule with a start date of 10/1/2024 to avoid the need for claims reprocessing in most instances.

This change impacts both iCare Family Care (branded Inclusa) and Family Care Partnership (iCare) programs.

Family Care/Inclusa Authorizations:

Residential (AFH, RCAC, CBRF)

With the new MFS effective 10/1/2024, impacted residential authorizations will now require the addition of a procedure code and modifiers and must be updated.

The following information is required on these authorization types effective 10/1/2024

  • Revenue Code
  • Procedure Code
  • Modifier 1
  • Modifier 2
  • Modifier 3 – 4 when applicable
  • Member Tier from LTCFS
  • Date LTCFS was calculated

The table below outlines the corresponding code structures.

DHS Medical Coding Changes for Family Care and Family Care Partnership Residential Services

Allowable Service Codes, Effective 10/1/2024:

Revenue Code National Definition Notes Required Procedure Code Required Modifiers
0240 All Inclusive Ancillary General Classification Use for 1-2 Bed AFH. T2031 (Assisted Living; Waiver, Per Diem) -U1, U2, or U3 as the first modifier.
-U5 or U6 as the second modifier.
-U7 as the third modifier.
-U4 as the fourth modifier if applicable.
0241 All Inclusive Ancillary Basic Use for 3-4 Bed AFH. T2031 (Assisted Living; Waiver, Per Diem) -U1, U2, or U3 as the first modifier.
-U5 or U6 as the second modifier.
-U8 as the third modifier.
-U4 as the fourth modifier if applicable.
0242 All Inclusive Ancillary Comprehensive Use for a CBRF with 8 beds or fewer. T2033 (Residential Care, Not Otherwise Specified, Waiver; Per Diem) -U1, U2, or U3 as the first modifier.
-U7 as the second modifier.
-U4 as the third modifier if applicable.
0243 All Inclusive Ancillary Specialty Use for a CBRF with more than 8 beds. T2033 (Residential Care, Not Otherwise Specified, Waiver; Per Diem) -U1, U2, or U3 as the first modifier.
-U8 as the second modifier.
-U4 as the third modifier if applicable.
0670 Outpatient Special Residence Charges General Classification Use for a RCAC. T2033 (Residential Care, Not Otherwise Specified, Waiver; Per Diem) -U9 as the first modifier.
-U4 as the second modifier if applicable.

Modifiers for Residential Care

Modifier Notes for Modifier Usage
U1 Use to indicate that the member meets the criteria for Level of Need (Acuity) Tier 1, based on elements from the member’s Long-Term Care Functional Screen.
U2 Use to indicate that the member meets the criteria for Level of Need (Acuity) Tier 2, based on elements from the member’s Long-Term Care Functional Screen.
U3 Use to indicate that the member meets the criteria for Level of Need (Acuity) Tier 3, based on elements from the member’s Long-Term Care Functional Screen.
U4 Use to indicate the member received 24-hour 1-on-1 (or greater) care.
U5 Use to indicate that the Adult Family Home is owner-occupied.
U6 Use to indicate that the Adult Family Home is corporate owned.
U7 For AFH, use to indicate 1-2 bed Adult Family Home. For CBRF, use for Community Based Residential Facilities with 5-8 beds.
U8 For AFH, use to indicate 3-4 bed Adult Family Home. For CBRF, use for Community Based Residential Facilities with 9 or more beds.
U9 For RCAC, use to indicate Residential Care Apartment Complex.

Provider Impact and Process Change:

To comply with the above changes, residential authorizations will end 9/30/2024 and new authorizations will be issued with a start date of 10/1/2024.

To properly implement the required MFS changes, Inclusa will resume the process of two separate residential authorizations (versus the current process of one all-inclusive authorization), one for room and board and one for care and supervision.

  • Room and Board: Effective 10/1/2024, you will be issued a new room and board authorization that will end 1/31/2025. (Note: New authorizations will be issued effective 2/1/2025 based on the updated HUD rates and the member’s ability to pay.)
    • Providers will receive an authorization with one of the following codes:
      • 0120: 1-2 bed AFH
      • 0130: 3-4 bed AFH
      • 0150: CBRF 8 beds or fewer
      • 0159: CBRF more than 8 beds
      • 0167: RCAC
  • Care and Supervision: This authorization will reflect the MFS changes per the DHS Medical Coding Changes and corresponding rate structure as appropriate set forth by DHS.

Non-Residential-Supportive Home Care (SHC), including SHC Days, Self-Directed Supports (SDS) and Community Supported Living (CSL) services

The MFS changes for these services are effective 10/1/2024 as well.

For SHC (Quarter Hour) services, new authorizations will NOT be issued for the impacted authorizations as the rates will be updated on the existing authorization. Please ensure that claims submitted for dates of service on and after 10/1/2024 are billed with the new rate.

For SHC Days, SDS and CSL, authorizations MAY change with a start date effective 10/1/2024 if the rate is adjusted to ensure compliance with the Minimum Fee schedule.

Residential Claims Processing:

Please note these instructions pertain to your Care and Supervision authorization only (not room and board).

In order to meet these enhanced requirements, WPS is in the process of updating their system to accommodate both a revenue code and a procedure code.

Your Inclusa authorization will have the revenue code, procedure code and all modifiers based on the DHS Medical Coding listed above.

Providers must bill with the authorization number, revenue code, procedure code and modifiers on an institutional claim form.

The billed revenue code MUST match the authorized revenue code. If the revenue code on the claim does not match what is on the authorization, WPS will deny the claim back to the provider.

2024-09-30T19:43:48+00:00September 30th, 2024|Provider Announcements|

Timely Filing Update April 2024

Effective 4/1/2024 – Inclusa to 120 days for clean claims.


  1. The claim is submitted to Wisconsin Physicians Services (WPS),Inclusa’s third party claims processer on or after 4/1/2024.  See below examples:
    1. WPS receives a claim on 4/1/24 for dates of service 12/4/23: The claim will be paid based on the 120-day timeline being implemented on 4/1/24.
  2. The claim meets the following definitions:
    1. Clean Claim – a complete and accurate claim in which you have included all provider and member information necessary to process the claim, including all appropriate service and authorization codes.
    2. Filed Timely – claims must be received by WPS within 120 calendar days from the date of service or Primary Insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOB) date.
  1. WPS receives a claim on 3/31/24 for dates of service 12/4/23: The claim will be denied based on the current timeframe of 90-days.

Items to Note:

  • The claim filing timeline does not end with the original claim submission.
  • If a claim is rejected or denied in full, providers must correct all errors and submit as a new claim which must be received by WPS within the original 120 days from the date of service or the EOB remittance date.
  • If a claim is partially paid (in dollars or units), a corrected claim must be completed and received by WPS within the original 120 days from the date of service or the EOB remittance date.
2024-04-11T16:06:34+00:00April 11th, 2024|Provider Announcements|

Provider Billing Support Change

There has been a change with who to contact at Inclusa when authorization and billing/claim support is needed.

This change will be effective immediately for the following service types:

  • Adult Day Care
  • Daily Living Skills Training
  • Day Services
  • Prevocational Services
  • Vocational Planning/Support
  • Supported Employment

Moving forward, the new contact will be:


Phone: 1-888-544-9353, ext. 7

2024-03-15T14:45:40+00:00March 15th, 2024|Provider Announcements|

Home Health and Nurse Supervisory EVV Soft Launch Information for January 1, 2024

On January 1, 2024, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) will implement the soft launch requirements for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for home health care services (HHCS) and nurse supervisory visits using the following service codes:

  • Personal Care Nurse Supervisory Visit (T1019 and T1020)
    • Service Code 99509 – Home visit for assistance with activities of daily living and personal care
  • Private Duty Nursing (Independent Nurses and Agency Nurses)
    • Service Code 99504 – Home visit for mechanical ventilation care
    • Service Code S9123 – Non-vent private duty nursing care in home, by Registered Nurse (RN)
    • Service Code S9124 – Non-vent private duty nursing care in home, by Licensed practical nurse (LPN)
  • Non-Private Duty Nursing (Independent Nurses and Agency Nurses)
    • Service Code 99600 – Unlisted home visit service or procedure
    • Service Code T1001 – Nursing assessment/evaluation
    • Service Code T1502 – Administration of oral, intramuscular, and/or subcutaneous medication
    • Service Code T1021 – Home health aide or Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
  • Therapy
    • Service Code 92507 – Treatment of speech, language, voice, communication, and/or auditory processing disorder
    • Service Code 97139 – Unlisted therapeutic procedure – Occupational Therapy
    • Service Code 97799 – Unlisted physical medicine/rehab service or procedure – Physical Therapy

For a full listing of all service codes identified for EVV, visit:

Soft launch is the time to learn and use the EVV system without affecting payments! Below are a few resources and supports to assist providers in preparing for EVV.



Inclusa is here to support providers with any contract or authorization specific questions as it relates to your contracted services.

  • Contact Provider Relations at 877-622-6700 (select option 2, then option 3) or to discuss contract or service-related information.
  • Contact Inclusa’s Home Health Authorizations & Claims Support Team at or 888-544-9353 (select option 7) to discuss authorization or billing related information.

Wisconsin EVV Customer Care is available to provide support throughout the soft launch transition as it relates to the EVV vendor system. Customer Care is accessible by email at or by phone (in English, Hmong, and Spanish, among other languages) at 833-931-2035 Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–6 p.m. CT.

Sign up for the DHS email list to receive updates and notifications on training opportunities, policy information, and other important details regarding EVV in Wisconsin.

2024-01-05T14:45:53+00:00January 4th, 2024|Provider Announcements|

EVV Hard Launch Information

On May 1, 2023 the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) implemented the hard launch of the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system for hands-on cares for the following Service codes:

  • T1019 and T1020 – Personal Care services; per 15 minutes and per diem
  • S5125 and S5126 – Attendant Care services; per 15 minutes and per diem

Claims will be denied for dates of service on May 1, 2023 and thereafter, if EVV requirements are not followed. Below are a few resources, reminders, and supports to assist impacted providers.


Important Reminders

EVV Visit Key Needed: Workers are required to check in/out using an EVV system at the start and the end of each visit. Claims without an EVV Visit Key will be denied. The EVV Flyers above provide further details regarding the EVV Visit Key.

No Date Span Billing: Claims for the related services must be submitted separately for each date of service. Claims submitted using date span billing will be denied. The WPS EVV Provider Billing Facts link above provides further details and helpful tips regarding claims and billing.

Date Span Example: A member received services on 14 dates in the month of May. Date span billing is when a date span of 5/1/2023–5/31/2023 is submitted for total units (days) and total charges. Instead, submit each day separately with units and charges on 14 individual claim lines.


Wisconsin EVV Customer Care is available to provide support throughout the process. Customer Care is accessible by email at or phone at 833-931-2035 Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–6 p.m. CT.

Inclusa Authorization and Claims Support Team is available to provide support with authorization and claims:

Inclusa Provider Relations Team is available to provide support with contracting questions. Please contact your local Program Manager,, or 877-622-6700, option 2, then option 3.

2023-05-25T19:11:35+00:00April 6th, 2023|Provider Announcements|

2022 American Rescue Plan Act – Impacted Services

2022-03-07T17:32:21+00:00March 7th, 2022|Provider Announcements|

2021 State Directed HCBS Rate Increase – Impacted Service Codes

Family Care HCBS Inclusion Logic

SPCs Covered

102.00 Adult Day Care
110.00 Daily Living Skills Training
706.00 Day Habilitation Services
202.11 AFH 1-2 bed (care&supervision)
202.22 AFH 3-4 bed (care&supervision)
506.71 CBRF- 5-8 bed (care&supervision)
506.76 CBRF- greater than 8 beds (care&supervision)
711.02 RCAC- (care&supervision) daily
103.99 Respite Care
104.00 Supportive Homecare – Daily
104.20 Supportive Homecare
104.30 Supportive Homecare

Procedure Codes Not Covered

S5120 Chore Services, per 15 min
S5121 Chore Services, per day

Covered Supported Employment Codes

108.10 Prevocational Services
114.00 Vocational Futures Planning & Support
615.00 Supported Employment
615.10 Supported Employment- Integrated

Procedure Codes:

H2025 Supported employment, ongoing coaching
T2014 Community based prevocational services
T2015 Community based prevocational services
T2018 Integrated: 1-2 Members
T2019 Integrated: 1-2 Members
T2038 HJ Voc Futures Planning

Family Care Partnership HCBS Inclusion Logic

Procedure Codes Not Covered: A0000 through R9999
Revenue Codes Not Covered: 0550 through 0559

Procedure Codes Covered

99509 RN Supervisory visit for personal care
99600 Skilled Nursing services
H2014 Daily Living Skills Training
S5100 Day care services, adult; per 15 minutes
S5101 Day care services, adult; per half day
S5102 Day care services, adult; per diem
S5105 Adult day care:
S5125 Attendant Care, per 15 mins
S5126 Attendant Care, per day
S5130 SHC-Routine Health Care Service
S5136 Supportive Home Care – per day: Community Supported Living
S9125 Respite care-institutional setting, per diem
T1005 Respite care in the home, per 15 minutes
T2012 Daily Living Skills; per day
T2013 Daily Living Skills per hour
T2021 Day Services; per 15 minutes
S5135 Companion Care; per 15 min
T2020 Community-Based Day Services, per day

Revenue Codes Covered

0220 AFH bedhold ancillary residential care services only; per day
0229 CBRF bedhold ancillary residential care services only, day
0240 AFH- 1-2 bed C/S
0241 AFH- 3-4 Bed C/S
0242 CBRF < 8 bed C/S
0243 CBRF > 8 bed C/S
0670 RCAC- C/S
0672 SHC- C/S

Supported Employment Codes Covered

H2025 Supp Employ Coaching, hour
T2014 Prevocational services; per diem
T2015 Prevocational services; per hour
T2018 Supported Employment
T2019 Supported Employment
T2038 HJ Voc Futures Planning
2022-03-07T17:57:12+00:00July 9th, 2021|Provider Announcements|

DHS Notice – 2021 State Directed Rate Increase for HCBS Providers


Wisconsin Department of Health Services

2021 State Directed Rate Increase for Home and Community-Based Service Providers

Home and Community-Based Services Provider,

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services will provide funding to the MCOs for the 2021 State Directed Rate Increase for home and community-based services, which the MCO will distribute to home and community-based services providers.

Home and community-based services provider means a provider of adult day care services, daily living skills training, habilitation services, residential care (adult family homes of 1-2 beds, adult family homes of 3-4 beds, community-based residential facilities, residential care apartment complexes), individual and group supported employment, prevocational employment, vocational futures planning, respite care services provided outside of a nursing home, and supportive home care. Providers of self-directed services are not eligible for this increase for self-directed services. Nursing homes and personal care agencies are not home and community-based services providers.

MCOs are required to provide a unit rate increase to all eligible providers equal to 4.24% of each eligible provider’s rates for Family Care and Family Care Partnership covered services in effect on June 1, 2021. The 4.24% unit rate increase on covered services equates to a unit rate increase of 3.51% when calculated on covered and non-covered services for residential providers. This unit rate increase will be labeled “2021 State Directed Rate Increase” in provider contracts as a separate line item from other components of the contracted rate with the provider. MCOs may negotiate other components of the MCO’s reimbursement rates to providers.

MCOs will be communicating the details of this increase and the associated contract amendment. Timely responses to these updates and submission of requested claims resubmissions dating back to the retroactive start of this increase, June 1st, 2021 will help ensure timely payment of this increase to providers.

Please contact if you have any general questions about the 2021 State Directed Rate Increase.

2022-03-07T17:20:51+00:00July 9th, 2021|Provider Announcements|
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