Inclusa aspires to support members within the communities they call home, in a way that assures members have equal opportunity to be fully involved, valued, welcomed, and encouraged to share their gifts and talents. Over our past 20 years we continue to see Owner Occupied Adult Family Home (OOAFH) providers be a key ally in this pursuit, not only welcoming members into their home, but into their family and everyday experiences.
To assist this effort, Inclusa will offer an outcome-based payment to OOAFHs to support members who move from more restrictive living environments to their less restrictive OOAFHs, and foster the vision of full inclusion through the lens of Commonunity®.
Eligible providers can receive a payment up to $5000/member upon successful completion of the following areas:
- $1,250 – Commonunity® “Welcome Session”
- $1,250 – Commonunity® Component Areas found in Inclusa’s Learning Management System (LMS)
- $1,250 – Community Living Workbook
- $1,250 – Up to five approved trainings to address member specific needs, receiving $250/training
OOAFH Commonunity® Outcome Eligibility Process:
- Support a member who has moved into your OOAFH within the last six months from a more restrictive residential or institutional setting.
- Review the Project Parameters with the member, legal decision maker (if applicable) and IDT staff to obtain agreement on participation in the OOAFH Commonunity®
- Submit project application to participate and agree to Terms and Conditions of outcome anytime throughout the year.
- Complete the following Project Parameters within one year of the group Welcome Session:
- Participate in Commonunity® Welcome Session.
- Complete the five Commonunity® Component Areas with the member in Inclusa’s Provider Learning Management System.
- Optional Opportunities for Additional Payment:
- Identify and complete all applicable activities found within the Community Living Workbook documenting your experiences of the activities; completed workbooks are submitted for approval via Commonunity® Project Upload.
- Complete approved training(s) where components have been identified that may benefit the provider and/or member.