The benefits of employment extend way past earning a paycheck. Work provides opportunities to form relationships, utilize our strengths and skills, contribute to our communities, and even keeps us healthy.
As part of this outcome, residential providers will work closely with members to complete various activities focused on finding a new job in the community and/or sustaining their current job. The following payments will be available to providers who complete the eligibility process per the terms and conditions of the Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Outcome:
- Finding CIE Full Payment: $1,200/member
- Keeping CIE Full Payment: $400/member
Competitive Integrated Employment is defined as work performed on a full-time or part-time basis; compensated not less than the applicable state or local minimum wage law (or the customary wage), or if self-employment, yields income comparable to persons without disabilities doing similar tasks; the worker should be eligible for the level of benefits provided to other employees; the work should be at a location typically found in the community; where the employee with a disability interacts with other persons who do not have disabilities and are not in a supervisory role; and the job presents opportunities for advancement.
Eligibility Process
- Have a member residing in your facility who has an interest in exploring employment opportunities or keeping their current job (Must meet CIE definition above).
- Submit an application to participate and agree to the terms and conditions of the outcome.
- Complete the following:
- View the Inclusa Training Module Video – Job Finding or Job Keeping, which is specifically focused on developing the Job Finding or the Job Keeping Plan with the member and his/her circle of support.
- Inclusa training videos are located within the Provider Learning Management System under the Employment category and in the Project Resources tab.
- Complete the Inclusa Job Finding or Job Keeping Plan with the member.
- Templates are located in the Project Materials.
- Completed Plans are to be submitted directly to member’s Inclusa Team, please also copy in Innovation@inclusa.org when submitting via email or fax to ensure outcome payment tracking.
- Use the Job Finding or Job Keeping Plan to assist the member to find a job or keep their job that meets the definition of CIE.
- This includes working collaboratively with any other providers or natural supports who may be involved.
- Document your efforts.
- View the Inclusa Training Module Video – Job Finding or Job Keeping, which is specifically focused on developing the Job Finding or the Job Keeping Plan with the member and his/her circle of support.
- Payment Note
- Finding CIE:
- Claim 75% of the Residential Outcome Payment after the member successfully completes the first twenty (20) hours of work
- Finding CIE:
- Claim the remaining 25% of the Residential Outcome Payment if the member is still employed in CIE after 6 months.
- Keeping CIE:
- Claim 100% of the Residential Outcome Payment if the member is still employed in CIE after 6 months
Finding CIE
- Inclusa Training Module Video – Job Finding (please select Employment Category once logged in)
- CIE Module Handout – Job Finding Plan 2023
- Inclusa Job Finding Plan – Support & Activities Checklist
- Inclusa Job Finding Plan Template
Additional Job Finding Resources:
- Interviewing Resources
Keeping CIE
- Inclusa Training Module Video – Job Keeping (please select Employment Category once logged in)
- CIE Module Handout – Job Keeping Plan 2023
- Inclusa Job Keeping Plan – Support & Activities Checklist
- Job Keeping Plan Template
Additional Job Keeping Resources:
Employment Interest Inventories
- Your Free Career Test
- This free career test for adults and students will help you discover your career interests and your ideal career work environment. Whether you are an adult, middle, high school, or college student, the free career tests on this website provide specific interest scores for each career category. All of the tests on YourFreeCareerTest are free and no personal information is required as they are also student-friendly.
- Step 1: Take the free career test on this page (it’s only 2-3 minutes) and review your results and save them.
- Step 2: Take our other free career tests to narrow down your interests.
- Step 3: Research careers and educational programs that interest you!
- This free career test for adults and students will help you discover your career interests and your ideal career work environment. Whether you are an adult, middle, high school, or college student, the free career tests on this website provide specific interest scores for each career category. All of the tests on YourFreeCareerTest are free and no personal information is required as they are also student-friendly.
- WI Technical Colleges Career Interest Questionnaire
- It’s all about you! Complete this 10-minute questionnaire about your interests to help identify which clusters (and career programs) might be the best fit for you. Based on activities you enjoy, your personal qualities and school subjects you like, the questionnaire ranks the career clusters you may find most fulfilling.
- It’s really simple! Check the items that best describe you in each of the 3 screens. You can check as many or as few items as you like. At the end of the questionnaire, you will receive a list ranking all the career clusters with scores based on your answers. The higher the score, the more likely you are to enjoy a career in that cluster.
- Ready, Set, Explore! Know Your Skills, Discovery Jobs, Keep Learning, Reach Your Goals
- Allows you to print a copy after completion.
- Find Your Strengths Assessment
- “This site, Multiple Intelligences for Adult Literacy and Education, applies Dr. Gardner’s theory to adult education.” Use the 56-question assessment form to help determine which of the eight different intelligences are your strongest; Language/Linguistic, Spatial, Logic/Math, Body Movement/Kinesthetic, Musical, Social/Interpersonal, Self/Intrapersonal, Nature/Naturalistic.
- Knowing Your Strengths Questionnaire
- Open with Google Docs or save and print as pdf.
Career Planning Guides
- Career Planning Workbook
- A fillable pdf created by Lisa Mills, PhD
- My Employment Planning Workbook
- Developed by Nancy Farnon-Molfenter and Shannon Munn-Huff